Humans - vs - Robots Future Protecting Your Career
Uncovering the Often Hidden Advantages or Your 'Human Nature' for Your Career

Maximum-Impact Strategic Advantages for Protecting and Boosting Your Career
'This is...Your Multi-Media Educational and Marketing Experience'Humans vs Robots and protecting your career

F U T U R E  P R O T E C T I N G  Y O U R   L E G AL  F I E L D  C A R E E R

Humans vs Robots
Robotics Invasion and Career Protection

"The Battle Has Begun...Discover Your Knockout Punch!"

by Bob Schott
Honorary Member AAAS
(American Association for Advancement of Science)
in Collaboration with Jonathan Arnold, Esq. and

Lead Paralegal Academy Instructor

Of the many different articles on Creativity we've published here on LFC, the one of AI/Robotics seems to garner a lot of attention as it is constantly appearing in the news with the latest developments and often irresponsible threats to humans approach. In this article I want to take a harder stand on the side of Humans vs Robots. While it may irritate a lot of those techies in lab coats, the focus here is on power proofing your career against AI or Robotic replacement scares being spread all over the web and media. Let's do this by examining the differences between Humans and Robots and hopefully show you some creative career boosting protections. And no, I'm not a member of the Ostrich (Head in the Sand) Science Club or Flat Earth Society, just calling it like it is.

Whether or not you are getting your Paralegal certification with LDA or your Strategic Human Resource and aPHR to land a career at a firm or to go it alone and start your own business for yourself or as a freelancer as we discuss in many of our articles and career boosting tips, you can consider this article applicable and useful in all cases.


"Certified Paralegals and LDA's perform legally qualified services
as authorized and afforded to them by law...

As mentioned in many of our unique articles, articles and tips you won't find on any college site, you can bet on that one, CREATIVITY (in caps of course) is one of your key and most powerful defenses against this seemingly threatening job/career interventions or should I say, Invention Interventions. Problem Solving through Creativity is a huge asset if you use it to your advantage while lacking in it produces limited results. You may see references to the phrase 'Creativity and Problem Solving' are huge assets, but look at that statement as 'Creative Problem Solving'.

Let's look at some revealing comparisons usually and maybe even conveniently left out by a lot of Science publications or articles pushed by most of the pocket pencil mad scientist lab techs pushing their robotic trade inventions.
Cyberwavs Audio Broadcast for LFC Jonathan Arnold entertainment lawyer
 'Expert Foundation Case'
Jonathan Arnold  - Entertainment Legal Expert
Commission Dispute Entertainment Law 6:47

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What About Experience?

Robots have no experience, only examples of 'Experience Related data' programmed into them and by a Human who's experiences differ from Human to Human and limited in scope depending on who's doing the programming of course. Being able to call upon your life's experience is a major Human asset. For example you could call upon your experience in a foreign country or out of the way location you 'experienced' to add to your work. A Robot can't do that, it can only refer to data programmed into and pieced together in some fashion based on logic.

What about 'Imagination' (Imaginative Thinking)?

Michael Osborne, associate professor in machine learning at the University of Oxford (the alma mater of our lead instructor, Jonathan), discussed in an article in the Guardian some intelligent steps to future-proof your job against the robot revolution. The article suggests that People are creative because they understand the properties of objects in the world and robots lack a high level of cognitive ability but that software is attempting to overcome some of that.

'Attempting to overcome?' Well, in a generalized sense, perhaps, but I challenge that there is far greater depth required to encompass that statement in a far more 'fuller' manner that involves more of human nature and experience, more elements AI and Robotics are missing and will never acquire.

SHR - Robotic Invasion Insurance
Check out the NEW SHR Creative Career Advancement

Also check out the Important AI Article, we were one of the first to do this one!

Can robots truly be Creative and use Elements of Imagination?

Maybe possibly and perhaps in a 'mechanical' manner. Ok, you ask 'well what about experiments in incorporating human DNA/RNA injected into their microchips?' Well, even if that happens, and sure, there are these Dr. Who scientists who just can't leave mother nature alone seem to be attempting to do just that. But the amount of creativity they inject would be determined by the creativity of the human in which they extracted the DNA from and planted. I know what you Robot promoters are thinking here, "Yah? Well what if they injected DNA from Einstein, how about that?" Ok, but... what if they injected DNA from the 3 Stooges, Moe, Larry or Curly? Either way what you're really looking at is an 'Emulated' version, and...if Robots are such great inventions and so advanced, why do they need 'Human DNA?'. Are you starting to get the picture or feel a little stronger about all this yet?

The Human 'Heart' of Music vs The Mechanical 'Technical' Production

Let's take a quick look at one interesting example involving a historic Music Comparison of what was considered the 'Most Popular Music Event in History', Woodstock' era 1969 with the music of today decades later. Anyone who hasn't been living in a cave has heard of that event. Over 400,000 people came from all over to attend the 3 day event at a farm in Woodstock in the rain to be apart of 'controversial' music history and to see Rock and Roll Icons and Legends perform at one time at one place. One such iconic star was Carlos Santa. In an interview Carlos Santana was asked a question that had more relevance to this topic than he could have imagined at the time. He was asked about music composition and what music schooling the performers had, etc.. His answer to the interviewer..."We didn't even know what a Bar Chord was, what you saw there was straight from the Heart man,!" Today's music in comparison, has evolved into computerized technological manipulations of chords, vocals, computerized FXs, over dubbing phase shifting, etc., some of it so much so that at times it often sounds pasteurized and homogenized in comparison and if you know how to listen to music, pretty much all sounds the same at times. An artist comes into the recording studio, sings half the song, then leaves while the technicians copy and paste it to make the last half to the background music that was also copied and pasted. In other words, no 'Heart!', and there lies the Robotic element...remember what the Tin Man in Wizard of Oz needed? That's right...a 'Heart!' Chock one up for Humans in the Heart category. Most of the best artists past and present try their best to protect their creativity and heart from the technical elements, and at times it can be tough to deal with for some artists. Another lesson here, 'don't let the technical override your creative, believe me, while it's often not easy in today's high-tech world, it's not always to your advantage.

As we constantly feature in our articles, creativity is arguably the most difficult human faculty to automate: Robots are unlikely to be fully creative any time soon. Automation usually requires exactly the kind of explicit instruction as to how to solver a problem that comes Naturally with Creativity. Sure, you can play around with algorithms to pump out an endless sequence of artwork or songs for example, but how do they program an algorithm to differentiate between the Powerful and Captivating element of Emotion - vs - the 'Boring Stuff??' And that's just a starter as when you add elements of Human Ideas captured from a wide array of sources that include that all important other category of Emotion, 'Inspiration... technology takes another hitThe Human 'Heart' of Music vs The Mechanical 'Technical' Production

Let's take a quick look at one interesting example involving a historic Music Comparison of what was considered the 'Most Popular Music Event in History', Woodstock' era 1969 with the music of today decades later. Anyone who hasn't been living in a cave has heard of that event. Over 400,000 people came from all over to attend the 3 day event at a farm in Woodstock in the rain to be apart of 'controversial' music history and to see Rock and Roll Icons and Legends perform at one time at one place. One such iconic star was Carlos Santa. In an interview Carlos Santana was asked a question that had more relevance to this topic than he could have imagined at the time. He was asked about music composition and what music schooling the performers had, etc.. His answer to the interviewer..."We didn't even know what a Bar Chord was, what you saw there was straight from the Heart man,!" Today's music in comparison, has evolved into computerized technological manipulations of chords, vocals, computerized FXs, over dubbing phase shifting, etc., some of it so much so that at times it often sounds pasteurized and homogenized in comparison and if you know how to listen to music, pretty much all sounds the same at times. An artist comes into the recording studio, sings half the song, then leaves while the technicians copy and paste it to make the last half to the background music that was also copied and pasted. In other words, no 'Heart!', and there lies the Robotic element...remember what the Tin Man in Wizard of Oz needed? That's right...a 'Heart!' Chock one up for Humans in the Heart category. Most of the best artists past and present try their best to protect their creativity and heart from the technical elements, and at times it can be tough to deal with for some artists. Another lesson here, 'don't let the technical override your creative, believe me, while it's often not easy in today's high-tech world, it's not always to your advantage.

As we constantly feature in our articles, creativity is arguably the most difficult human faculty to automate: Robots are unlikely to be fully creative any time soon. Automation usually requires exactly the kind of explicit instruction as to how to solver a problem that comes Naturally with Creativity. Sure, you can play around with algorithms to pump out an endless sequence of artwork or songs for example, but how do they program an algorithm to differentiate between the Powerful and Captivating element of Emotion - vs - the 'Boring Stuff??' And that's just a starter as when you add elements of Human Ideas captured from a wide array of sources that include that all important other category of Emotion, 'Inspiration... technology takes another hit

Difficulty in Automating Ideas from Multiple Sources

Another problem is that it is difficult to automate the combination of ideas from many different sources that forms the source of much of human creativity: For example, pulling from life experiences and captivating moments. Good news that supports everything we've been featuring on this subject is supported by reports from the University of Oxford and the Guardian article that "almost 90% of creative jobs are at low or no risk of automation."

Understanding (of Human Nature

Finding those elements in life that are Fascinating and Understanding how those play out in Humans is something a Robot simply cannot do 'Naturally', meaning, without a pre-programmed set of responses. Sure, it can be programmed to give a wide array of responses, but how fluently can it come up with them on their own? Any response provided by a pile of silicon microchip programmed machine is going to sound just like that, a programmed machine and it 'ain't' comin' from the 'Heart'.

Human vs Robot vs Writing?

What about the human's ability to 'Know What to Write About?' Sure, if it's a mathematical calculation piece perhaps a Robot excels in speed and accuracy, but overall a Robot, depending on it's programming/programmer(s), is limited to non-creative speculation, logic without emotion, logic without experience, logic without human nature, etc., 'too much Bun and Little Meat.'

According to Barinder Hothi, co-founder of The Knowledge Academy a global education provider, one option is to look at the skills shortages where you live and invest in the relevant training. Let's add one more element to his theory, "look to the career category you choose and invest in what we've been urging you to strategize on, 'Familiarity' of Career Category subsets you choose.

Studies have shown two-thirds of the shift away from automatable tasks will be driven by people changing the way they work, not changing careers or jobs.
Source: AlphaBeta, O*Net, ABS

Here's a fairly brief descriptive that illustrates the sub-non-human aspect.

"The Brain" - more for the Computer Science gurus, mainly dealing in hardware and software design.

"The Body" - more for Mechanical Engineering Courses that often focuses more on physical design and actuation. Sounds more like building a car doesn't it?

"The Nervous System" - Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Control

Moral of the Story?
Don't be a victim of Silicon Valley, 'stick it to em!'

According to Martin Ford, author and futurist mentioned earlier, "The best thing you can do in your career workload is to make sure you're not doing something routine, mundane, repetitive and predictable, Move into other areas, things that involve perhaps working more with people, or being creative."...'Gee, wonder where we heard that before?'

Trends are changing and there are many firms incorporating new methods of providing legal services that include benefits for clients to use their services over fixed costs of high priced law firms, Some firms such as Elevate and Axiom state they can provide talent with day vs week integration and save 50-75% vs. law firms, and avoid the fixed costs of full-time hires. There's that 'creative thing' again and for those wanting to start your own PL/LDA or SHR/aPHR Business, another opening1

As we've mentioned before, reaching an audience can often produce best results through persuasive story telling, something difficult for robotics to do without seeming to be contrived and scripted, or better yet 'Robotic!' While as a paralegal you may not be practicing law by giving legal advice or representation, you are still 'communicating' and communicating must be of a persuasive nature to gain confidence from your client. Therefore, be creative, be innovative, be 'natural'.Let the Robots be Robots and don't act like one and you'll gain the confidence of your client.

Here's another powerful tip, make a friend with your clients when occasions arise. Who on earth really wants a Robot for a friend? Sure, no doubt there's a few pencil sharpeners out there that would try that one, but go that direction and you've gone down a primrose path where you may very well lose your way back from!.


Comparing Humans to Robots is many times a science effort full of egotistical shortfalls. Now let's have some good ole' fashion fun here and irritate the 'quiz kids' at Silicon Valley by looking at this lineup comparison you won't find anywhere else and see what kind of advantage your actually have that you may have taken for granted: By the way, what's not listed is the Robots increased ability to perform the mundane, repetitive work functions with extreme accuracy as those are all touted by science articles, but that's not what you're about as a PL or SHR Human is it? 'So here ya' go!'

The Humans vs Robots Comparison

Humans Have

*Natural Behavior
Veins Blood
Breath Lungs
Life Experience Discovery
Common Sense
Human Nature
Whole Being Cells
*Spirit Soul
Robots Have

*Programmed Emulation
Wires Electrical Current
Cooling Fans
Library Database
Programmed Simulation
Programmed Responses
Programmed Responses
 n/a (and hope they never do)
None - 'Out for Repair'
Computerized Functioning
Data Base Reasoning
Data Base Reasoning
'MIA' (Missing in Action)
Parts Components Solder
*Definitely No Cigar Here!

*Main Difference

'And the Winner is?
Humans:     'YEAAAY!!         Robots:    'NAAAY!!'
Think I'll take 'Yeaay!!... how 'bout' you?

Now while this 'Ain't' All, exactly what are you afraid of now, because adding up your list of Assets vs Robots should give you a comfort zone for a solid 'Career Boosting Approach'...if you're paying attention and use it to your Advantage that is!

Robots should be looked as Human 'Support Tools', however one area where their replacement of humans may be most valuable is in 'Battle' where human lives are spared. But for Career or Job replacement purposes, their advantage and main threat is on mundane repertory assembly line and advanced calculative work type job functions, all of the boring job/career limitations which you may just want to avoid. Another thing this 'vs' comparison does is to show you or should I say, 'Wake' (Woke) you up to some Human capabilities and assets many completely overlook instead of harnessing their power, and that potential power is Considerable!

So not to get too technical with you here, look at all this 'complex scientific comparison 'stuff' another way. Does anyone reading this actually believe that sitting around figuring out complex math formulas all day long is an exciting way to spend your time? Well... maybe, if you're betting on the horse races and using the Daily Racing Form to calculate the winner of the Pix Six. That is until the horse that came out highest in your advanced astronomical mathematical calculations comes in last because he wasn't 'FEELING' good that day! You get the idea!

Start planning your career category as you go, your instructors are here to help you and the LFC articles will get you thinking creatively in ways you never thought of, only at THORNHILL LFC and LAVC!

Listen to our new Cyberwavs Broadcast LFC Episode 2 for some unique tips for your Familiarity Bio Supplement on this article that you don't want to Miss! By the way, any questions specifically pertaining to this article, let us know.

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This is a topic that bears repeating as the High-Velocity Career Courses you get from LFC and LAVC incorporate our Advanced Articles and Tips unique methods to give you a 'Creative' Boost others don't offer. You are urged to expand your 'Creative' thinking while at the same time help to Protect Your Career against the 'Robotic Invasion'. Singling out and 'Familiarizing' yourself on a variety of  Industry areas you're interested in will give you a Maximum Impact opportunity to secure a solid career in this highly rewarding career potential beyond far the Traditional.

Unique Tip # 1 - August 2019

Paralegal Calendar Dates - Recourse and LJonathan Arnold esq entertainment attorneyiability
by Jonathan Arnold

Q: As a Paralegal working for a law firm you know that one of your main responsibilities is to draft client calendars and ensure accurate dates. But do you know what your/your firm's liabilities and client recourse is should you mis-calendarize causing the firm's client to incur an adverse outcome or financial loss?

A:  Any attorney that uses the services of a paralegal is ultimately liable to the client for any harm that results from the paralegal's negligence or misconduct. Put another way, the duties that an attorney owes to the client are non-delegable, meaning that it is the attorney who bears the brunt for mistakes made within the attorney's office. That being said, no attorney is going to be happy (to put it mildly) with errors -- especially calendaring errors -- made by his or her paralegal(s). The key here is to know not only how to compute dates (ranging from applicable Statute of Limitations dates to any relevant transaction dates) but then TO BEAT THOSE DATES so that things like court filings, discovery responses, revised contracts and the like are not only calendared for completion before they are due, but also sent/filed A FEW DAYS EARLY. How to do this is just one of the important subjects we cover in our Paralegal program.

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Paralegal and LDA Career Opportunities in the Agricultural Industry
Video Trailer Intro

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Paralegal - LDA Careers in MUSIC are Many

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Just remember, that this article is  another  highlight having your own PL/LDA Business and Career Potential, use it to your advantage!

Audio Broadcast Aeronautics and Astronautics for Legal Careers
 Market Ylur Paralegal LDA to Unique Businesses
Marketing Your Own LDP Legal Document Processing Biz Familiarity Focusing Maximum-Impact: 6:39

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SHR - Robotic Invasion Insurance
The NEW SHR (Strategic Human Resources) or Creative Career Advancement

Your Bio Reminder

Just as with all of the new and exciting Introductions to unique industry potentials we feature, always highlight a select few topics and categories within each industry that you're interested in, then when it comes down to your PL-LDA(highly recommended bonus for PL), draft your resume incorporating an 'Interest Familarity' one-page supplemnt to it that others most likely won't, such as examples of some of those we just disucssed:

* Introduction to Paralegal Potentials in AI
Watch the VIDEO Introduction

Paralegal LDA careers potentials in Artificial Intelligence
'Xpand' Your PL / LDA & HR / aPHR Career!

* Human Resource in Aerospace
Watch the VIDEO Introduction
Human Resource course careers in Aerospace
Want an Exciting Potential for your HR - aPHR Career?

Your 'Subject Familiarity' supplement will be your one-page Synopsis form, 'Addendum Addition' to your Bio, and you’ll definitely have an advantage and provide you with a good marketing asset for starting your own LDA Service!

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Your PL Career and LDA Bonus 'Edge!'

We'll show you everything you need to know about being employed as a Paralegal and our fantastic Maximum Impact LDA Bonus Course, now it's your turn focus on the 'Industry Field' you want to apply it in. You will now have an 'Xtra' Edge', and 'Creative Edges' are one of the main values of our articles we provide here on the THORNHILL Legal Field Careers site for our LAVC students.

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Highly Suggested Reading:

For those of you jumping into the Paralegal Career Field that haven't already read one of our previous Articles you might find Paralegals vs Legal Document Assistant - LDA one to take a look at now since it is fresh in your mind. Note: At the time we wrote the PL vs LDA article the New LDA Bonus course offered at LAVC was not yet available, so you'll now see the great benefit of this career 'add-on' bonus. Also Check out the Full LDA Course Details, Summary and Very Affordable Cost!

Check it all out and Sign-up Today, the course has limited seating!

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We invite you to search through the website for Videos and Articles of Unique Value and Importance.

Take some Time to Review the various Extension Programs available to  you, read our one-of-a-kind unique Articles and Tips on enhancing your Career and watch our Videos to learn more, BUT...

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Keep in mind, that keeping up to date is Mandatory and helpful to building your career. Remember, at THORNHILL, you have a CAREER not a job.

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