Legal Field Careers Bold Industry Oppotunities

Legal Field Careers LFC Logo"EXPLORE the Traditional vs the BOLD!"NIU College for Paraletal Certification

NIU College in Collaboration with Legal Field Careers for Highly Rewarding Bold New Potentials as a Paralegal
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Strategic Paralegal Career Boosters

Bob Global Media Productions writing bio
Throughout the Legal Field Careers siteou'll see some very unique and valuable career boosting articles, tips, videos and even our new CYBERWAVS Audio Broadcasts. Many of which focus directly on setting yourself apart from the crowd for your Paralegal Career.

Creativity, Familiarity are all a part of the strategy – creativity in the sense of exploring new industry business categories to apply your new Paralegal Career to. But there's more to it than that as the one element that gives you an edge is that of Familiarity.

Familiarity to the industry category you desire and if you want to apply your career to the industry or go into business for yourself as a Paralegal servicing these industries.

The new Paralegal Infographic illustrates the Concepts and Elements You Can Use in the following 3 elements.

You Will Learn as you follow the LFC Updates both the Value and Creative Use of the most overlooked Resources...The INDUSTRY CODES!

Strategic Paralegal InfoGraphic
Traditional vs BOLD

Online California Paralegal Certified strategic courses infographic


Let's start with Creativity. There are many whom have decided to make Paralegal their career choice and have only thought of getting a job at a law firm. But there are those of you who seek different choices – aerospace or the Entertainment Industry for example. When seeking to apply your paralegal career to new and exciting businesses be 'Creative' in your methods. Many of the articles on the LFC site will go into detail on ways to do this. Primarily while you're taking your High Velocity Paralegal course at NIU College, or even before, start making a list of your most desired industry businesses you would like to seek. Selecting one or two that you have the highest interest in and know the most about, 'fundamentally', would be your best bet. Consider seeking a position as an intern in this industry while taking your course. Here's where you make a difference by Familiarity.


Once you select the industry you want to approach, and that is as mentioned earlier, either as a career or your own business marketing to it, learn all you can about it. Creativity also plays apart here as you would want to select the sub industry within this industry. For example, the Entertainment industry. This category has many sub categories, such as Film, Broadcast Television, Independent Film and Documentary categories and on and on. As far as applying a career to one of them you would do just that, select one. As far as marketing your own Paralegal business you have them all to approach. Once you pick one or more, research and learn how each one functions and pick a few very unique aspects of it to study.

One of the most important support elements to this is to learn their terminology. This way when you graduate and are ready to approach them you'll be talking their language, and that is extremely valuable. Face it, they already know your 'Paralegal Knowledgeable' in your particular career functions, but when you start talking 'Their Terms' it makes a big difference. A big example of this is in the Film/TV, Music industry and especially TV Advertising world, they talk in different terms You'll make a sound impression, not just that you understand the business your selling yourself to, but in the fact that you took that extra effort and most importantly, interest.
Ok, so you've decided on your career path - (Paralegal), you've been strategic about being creative in the application of it, and you've now familiarized yourself with the particular industry you want to apply it to. Now what, well, you've got one more strong consideration to make, why not give your career what we call 'Maximum Impact' by Learning how to use and locate any business in North America and Around the World.

This all is made slighlty easier for you as Obatining your paralegal certificate through NIU College you are licensed in the entire state of California. Just select the county you want to do business in and from there, zero in on a vast array of different business categories to market yourself to. This either as going into business for your self offering your Paralegal Servides or seekin a position at one of the firms you are Famiiar with in business type.


Your High Velocity Course with Your Maximum Impact Bonus Elements
This adds values many others often overlook. As mentioned, when you graduate you be licensed in the county you reside or plan on doing business in for California. Next you may want to explore the beneifts of getting Bonded, this adds extra value and the price for doing so is very affordable for a Bond of say around $30,000, prices of course may change in certain areas. As I just said, don't fret this one, as getting bonded is not nearly as costly as you think, to extrapolate on what I mentioned in the above par. ;many insurance policies are available for $1 million dollar coverage for under $500 a year. What this does is bring the 'Licensed and Bonded' appeal bonus to your Paralegal when you approach 'any' company? The difference between not being Bonded and have the extra value to offer of Being Bonded.

Look at it this way, you'll be competing with other Paralegals, but what do you think would happen when the others have just the knowledge and you show up as a Paralegal Graduate, with your Licensed and Bonded support element, you've creatively strategized it from all angles and you show a professional 'Familiarity' (which you add to your BIO) that shows knowledge of both your profession and the industry you seek? That's right, a Maximum-Impact impression. This also goes for those seeking to start your own business and market it to your desired industry of choice.
Remember your 3 Main Considerations:

#1 Your Creativity Element You Bring by getting Bonded

#2 Your Familiarity with the particular Industry firm you choose

#3 Your BONDED Bonus Value

Feel free to print out the LFC/NIU College Paralegal Infographic as incentive and a reminder to be creative in your selection of either the Traditional career industries or to Explore New exciting Bold Frontiers.

The Options are there...the Choice is Yours!

Feel free to print out the LFC/NIU College Paralegal Infographic as incentive and a reminder to be creative in your selection of either the Traditional career industries or to Explore New exciting Bold Frontiers.

The Options are there...the Choice is Yours!

Preparation and Strategic Marketing
Opportunities are Enormous
Rewards are HIGH!

Realize the Value of understanding the Business Industry codes and how to use the as we'll be showing you here on the Legal Field Careers site.

Watch an Idea of Paralegals in Film & TV

NIU College in Southern California Prepares You for a Stellar New Career! 

Complete Your New California Paralegal Certifications from ANYWHERE...

Early Registration Ensures a Secure Career!

The new avenues for your paralegal career are waiting, NIU College will prepare you for your Paralegal Endeavors and LFC will show you how to find them so You Can Enjoy Maximum-Impact for your Paralegal Career.
cyberwav audio podcasts valuable resources
Cyberwavs Audio Broadcast for LFC Jonathan Arnold entertainment lawyer

'Expert Foundation Case'
Example of Film Industry Case to show example of various situations that frequent the Movie Industries
by Jonathan Arnold
'Entertainment Industry
and Maritime Experienced Attorney
Audio Broadcast Aeronautics and Astronautics for Legal Careers

'Familiarty Focusing Maxium Impact'
Marketing Your Own Certified PARALEGAL Service Business doing LDP-Legal Document Processing 'Biz'
by Bob Schott
'30 Years in Entertainment Industry'
'Who's Who in America and the World'
Visit the NIU College Section and Get Started Today!
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