Legal Field Careers Bold Industry Oppotunities

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Discover the Opportunities for Paralegals in the Entertainment Industry...for High Rewards!

Watch the Video on Many Opportunities that Await You In the Entertainment Industry!

This is a subject that bears looking into with strategy as it potentially has over 1/4 Million different job categories or so in the Entertainment Industry and as we continue to feature new articles you will see just exactly how valuable this can be. The opportunities to seek in this industry are considerable and the 'Indie' (Independent film making industry) is just one of them. This goes for either seeking a job with a company or servicing this category as a Certified Paralegal, there's plenty of potential there.

Majors vs Indies - Considering the Difference
Bob Global Media Productions writing bio

Sure, you can seek a career with a Major studio as almost all of them have their own legal staff. This differs however with the Independent film makers. They both have similar issues to deal with, the Majors just on a larger scale. Tons of permits for location shooting, clearances on a variety of matters, too many to mention here. With the Major studios you'd be working directly with the law firm associated with the studio, with the Indie you may be best served by providing your own PL services to as most of the can't afford to hire a full time legal staff. In some cases, as with larger more established indie firms they may have a law firm or attorney they call upon when needed, in that case you would be helpful in that situation.

While there are far too many scenarios to mention here, a few that may get you thinking are those requirements that go along with the location scout for permit, insurance and access filings of all kinds. There's also scenarios when a film company script calls for a band to play in a scene. This brings up it's own set of filings. Knowing what is involved in the production of a film be it a Major Film or smaller budget Independent film, can be a very valuable asset when marketing your service to them.

Where to Start - Where to Market

You may be asking yourself about where to get started. Well, the first two sources should be the Variety and the Hollywood Reporter to get familiar with the production companies, and films in production. Both have Pre-Production charts that come out on a monthly or bi-weekly basis. These provide a huge amount of information. Probably the best place to start would be with the 'Films in Pre-Production' section. Here you'll find companies in the planning stages of production therefore getting in ahead of the actual scheduled start dates.
Hollywood Reporter for paralegal entertainment careers

Preparation and Strategic Marketing

One thing that we haven't discussed much about is that of your planning and preparation to market your Paralegal services, either to a law firm or as an independent service provider. While this may sound like a used car salesman's pitch, it's a solid suggestion. You may want to consider become Bonded as well for preparing and filing purposes. This gives you your 'Maximum-Advantage' for your career.

As mentioned before in many articles, while you're taking your paralegal course, you may want to seek out an internship at a law firm, since this article is about Paralegals in the Indie Film industry, an internship at a law firm that deals with film productions would provide some strong support to start your career.

And no, not an internship at a film company, they wouldn't know what to do with you or have you do, since you'd be still taking your course, you wouldn't be qualified to do it if they did. But as an intern at an attorney or firm that deals mainly in this industry, this would give you experience to prepare you for when you do graduate and seek to market your career to. This can also apply to seeking out a major film company as a potential for you as well.
Variety movie film tv production lists contacts for paralegal careers

Additional Considerations

This is not to provide recommendations or references, you may also want to make a list of some of the industries major publications.

As mentioned, the Variety and Hollywood Reporter should be automatic, but there are many others that provide a listing of service providers to the entertainment industry that you could benefit from.

This brings you to another consideration, planning your marketing budget. You planned your budget for your courses, this is no difference, look at it as what you need to fund your career. This holds true especially for those of you who want to go into business for your self as a Paralegal service.

There are many publications amd websites that can provide some very good results as independent film producers scan through these publications all the time looking to put together cast, crews and service help, of all kinds.

And you really experience the potentials with the Vast Industry Identification Potentials you won't find in Classifieds, etc., we'll be covering that soon.

Entertainment Opportunities for a Paralegal Career

"Boldly Explore Rewarding Potentials in The Film Industry!"

Hollywood sign movie capitol of the worldRealize Your Location

Here in Southern California you are right in the middle of the Largest gfoup of Movie, Film and TV Production Studios, Companies and other sources in the World. So do some exploring.

Ranked second in the nation for both its employment (33,490) and its average pay of paralegals ($66,250) as of May 2020, California remains standout for opportunities in this profession. In fact, the average salary for paralegals in California is $10,000 higher than the national average. Of course, some of this difference in pay is due to a higher cost of living in California; however, the sheer number of industries that demand the services of qualified and competent paralegals also influences the pay of these legal support professionals in California.

Even more impressive, paralegals with significant experience and those with a skillset and credentials in a specific area of law can easily climb the career ladder. The top 10% of paralegals in California earned about $102,540, or $49.30 per hour, and that was as of May 2020.

So while and even before, you take your classes, start preparing this now so you're ready to start right off. Even though the smaller indie film companies may not have an in-house attorney or attorneys, as mentioned, they usually have one that they call on as-needed. Chances are that if you are dealing with this film company then as a Paralegal you may also have some contact with the attorney they hire, this gives you a secondary potential for marketing your services, as many small law firms hire paralegals on a temporary basis or use legal document processors themselves and this may even be more so with the entertainment industry production time frames from Film to Film, etc.

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The new avenues for your paralegal career are waiting, NIU College will prepare you for your Paralegal Endeavors and LFC will show you how to find them so You Can Enjoy Maximum-Impact for your Paralegal Career.
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30 Years in Entertainment Industry'
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