"NIU College in Collaboration with Legal Field
Careers Brings You Highly Rewarding Opportunities as a
‘Escape from the Traditional Into
the BOLD!'
Take your New Paralegal Career into Industries You
Never Imagined
Rewards Can Be High and Potentials Unlimited for
Highly Rewarding Bold New Potentials as a Paralegal!
NIU College in Woodland Hills, California will help
you aquire your Paralegal Credentials. Now in
collaboration with LFC you discover Bold and Highly
Rewarding Industries you can apply it to that you
never imagined!
Developing expertise with
your Paralegal knowledge you gain through NIU
College combined with the Unique and Bold Industrys
to Explore, you'll discover high-demand areas of law
can lead to Exciting and Lucrative Opportunities in
the paralegal field that stretch the boundaries of
Journey into and
Explore Bold New Industries for Your Paral;egal
Potentials on Marketing Your Paralegal
Law Firms
• Corporations
• Banks
Insurance companies
• Health Organizations
• Government
• Escrow/Legal Title Companies
• Trusts
*Entertainment Industry
*Music Industry
*Real Estate
*Maritime |Admiralty
*AI | Robotics
...and Much
Much More!!
that you've already made that all important
decision for a Career in the Legal Field
industry. The real reward can be found when you
learn from Legal Field Careers the seemingly
endless vastness of potentials that the NAICS
(North American Industry Classification System)
has waiting for you.
Discover all of that in upcoming Features here on the LFC site. LFC
will show you how as a Certified Paralegal Graduate of NIU
you have choices few even are aware of. This goes for both
seeking a position at a prestigeous and exciting Bold
Industry or servicing them as an option to start your own Paralegal
Service business.
So stay with us as we continue to
show you how to explore these potentials and what to do with
your new career when you find one. The Potential
Opportunities are Vast, The Rewards, both fulfilling and
financially are high!
The new avenues for
your paralegal career are waiting, NIU College
will prepare you for your Paralegal Endeavors
and LFC will show you how to find them so You
Can Enjoy Maximum-Impact for your Paralegal