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Human Resources - Creative Opportunities by Ric Riccobono One factor you have in your favor as you dive into a Human Resource career is the simple fact that People are the most important component of every business, and people are 'Who' not 'What', you'll be dealing with once you graduate and land your first job. Even though the advanced technology forces working deep inside remote laboratories are working on the creation of human like robots that can open the door, pay the pizza man and so on, the one thing they can't do, is challenge human creativity. I know many of you may tend to get wrapped up in advanced technology and devices, i.e.; latest and greatest, etc., but as you know, even as advanced as the technology is today, these new hyped up robots can't serve food, wait on tables, and are totally limited in many ways and lack creativity. That's where you as a HR employee and assistant can be irreplaceable. Creativity is the driving force behind every company's success. So in this article, I want to highlight the power of the Human 'Connectivity' - 'Association' aspect as it can apply to your career goal of becoming a Human Resource Assistant. Yes, the courses academy I have brought to the LAVC School system through LegalFieldCareers.com is slanted to and oriented in the legal field, but with Human Resource, the doors are open to a vast playing field which is available to all that can expand their thinking. If you are one of those individuals that is constantly coming up with creative avenues and angles to solve various problems and expand marketing delivery beyond the norm, then your talents and contributions will be valued. Try a quick test, and don't cheat on this one by skipping ahead to the next paragraph. Get a scratch pad, not your iPad, tablet, lap top or NASA's super computer, just a simple scratch pad and pen. Write down in less than 30 seconds the job types you originally thought you would or could be going after by taking your HR class here at LAVC. The idea of this is to 'grab' the top thoughts out of your head, don't worry, there's no grade factor here, no risk of being made to sit in the corner with a dunce cap or anything, just what your initial thoughts are, you’ll evaluate yourself. Ok, was the main career target you wrote down having to do with the Legal Field? If so, then read on, because I'd be willing to wager that's what most of you wrote down as your first thought. Yes, while the legal field is certainly one to consider, and can reap nice rewards, you may find there are many more categories out there that exceed that potential which you never even considered. Did you know that many of the support or third party hiring companies actually focus on various different business categories? Some focus on nothing but specialties, such as Aerospace and Defense Industries, while others have a client base that staff the Oil and Gas Industry as their target connections. Obviously, those two categories alone would far outreach the potentials with any law firm, even those gigantic ones with twenty names on the door you can't pronounce or spell. Think of how many personnel a Human Resource department would have to deal with in the Aerospace or Gas and Oil industry, not a dozen, not hundreds, but thousands; even tens of thousands, Major Insurance firms would also have a similar high number of employee interactions. While, of course, there are many others, just those mentioned offer both government and private sector employment, giving the HR Graduate from LAVC an enormously wide open playing field. Also, did any of you write down the Entertainment Industry? Ever think of landing a job at one of the major studios, well, they all have strong HR departments. Ever hear of the stories of the kid who got his first job at the movie studio or in the mail room and years later, is one of the executives with a private office on the lot? Well, it has happens. So think creatively, you may find a way that puts you in a HR position in ways you never thought possible and quicker than you may think. The entire purpose of this article is not to just list resources or job potentials to consider, but to expand your thinking in order to carve out your own niche. By the way, that's just the beginning of your creative attitude. A similar thinking mind set can be used in your new job to solve a problem, control and reduce costs, introduce a new marketing plan, energize a department, and much more. Now, evaluate yourself, how do you think you did on this quiz? Remember, at LAVC, you're not just a student, you're a friend!
Examples of human resources specialties include, but not limited to: Director of human resources Employment and placement manager Compensation manager Employee benefits manager - assistance plan manager Training and development manager or specialist Job recruiter Employer relations representative Compensation specialist Benefits specialistJob analysis specialist Occupational analys tIndustrial Relations SpecialistLabor relations specialist Conciliator or Mediator Arbitrator a growing area especially with credit card companies International human resources manager Human resources information system specialist *And much more ____________ Course starts March 12th ![]() _____________________ Thanks you Sharen, the HR extension is a great Thank you,
Grace. So What are you Waiting For?
Sign up today while there's still time! Call or Email Us for More Details! (818) 997-0967 HUMAN RESOURCE ASSISTANT ACADEMY Next COURSE BEGINS October 16, 2013
The LegalFieldCareers.com site is a multi media promotional site featuring various legal courses being offered at LAVC, Los Angeles Valley College. While the legalfieldcareers.com website is not the official site of LAVC, the programs featured on this site reflect the information about the programs being offered at LAVC.All rights to the information on this web-site are the exclusive rights and property of Skylight Consulting, Inc. No portion of this material may be used or duplicated without the express written permission of an authorized representative of Skylight Consulting, Inc.' 2012. This site is being featured as a multi media format version solely designed to assist in the illustration of the courses being offered at LAVC. Legal Field Careers Video Produced by Global Media Productions, Los Angeles, CA, GlobalVizion-GV
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