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Tips for HR Strategy - an Indepth Look Evaluating and comprehending Human Resources? - Just how imporant is HR? - The human resources field has now advanced beyond its basic functions of managing employee benefits, interviewing, and hiring responsibilities. The human resources professional in today's working environment works with a firms top executives on strategic planning, recommend and even change policies affecting the workplace directly. In many larger firms, Human Resource specialist staff act as mediators between Top management and regular employees, referees in a sense, an additional part to play. Seeking out the more qualified staff employees and hooking them up with jobs best suited to their character and abilities, is a one major aspect, keeping good staff on baord is another that plays into the success of a company. On the other hand, eliminating repetitiveness and removing non-productive employees that don't show an interest in the company goals or seem to have the company's best interest in mind is also another function Human Resource staff play an important role in. A Positive Element of HR - A solid Human Resources career includes a very wide range of demanding individual qualities and skill factors that include having ability to work in, around and with a wide diverse range of employees to aggressively promote the goals of the company or organization. Each individual can reach into their own arsenal of abiities and put them to work in their career building efforts. The wider range of talents you bring to the firm the more valuable you become toward being a high paid HR manager. Ethics and a sense of Fair Play that assist a confident and smooth personality that can deal with pressure and conflicting opinions and view points while being discrete at the right times is a valuable asset to cultivate if the HR career is the way you're heading, and if you're good at basic mediating you'll feel even more comfortable in the HR job field. Hands on technical skills are of course thorough knowledge of computer applications and functions married with good writing and communication skills all provide the basis for important business strategies necessary to excel in the field of Human Resources. Having a combination of all of the above should give you a strong opportunity to climb to the top as a high paying Human Resource manager or executive. Career Education in Human Resources Wide Professional Category - Open Playing Field With a developed array of varied skills you can choose virtually any industry. Strategically determining your specialty choice in advance will shine the light on the area of study and help you pick selective courses. Resources and Information Hiring Practices of Fortune 500 CompaniesFortune 500 companies don't get to their elite rankings by staffing the wrong employees. Many of the companies that make up this list are staffed with some of the best employees in the market place. Here are some of the hiring practice tips many Fortune 500 companies use that may surprise you. Locating Good Staff - finding the good ones Many firms know that you can’t always find the best employees in the same locations as their local offices are. Many Fortune 500 companies do have extensive recruiting networks in colleges across the country and also work with recruiters. HR recruiters are no more in principle that sports recruiters you hear about all the time. The recruiters go out and scout the ranks of job seekers to find the best and brightest candidates for jobs. In many cases. As mentioned, the scouting system is similar in principle to how sports teams do their scouting, While many do not think they spend time doing it, Fortune 500 companies actually will go to college and job fair exhibitions and seminars around the country looking for you, you just may not know it at firs.. They also tend to look at real life experience that accompanies the collegiate education. Interview Process Once the company has narrowed down a potential list of applicants for jobs, they will initiate an interview process. While the interview process for every successful company is different, many companies are choosing to use unorthodox methods of interviewing people. One example is Google that is known to ask very strange questions that force the applicant to have to use critical thinking skills on the spot. The unusual questions are designed to cut through all of the other traditional stuff that isn’t important to get some idea of how good an applicant really is. Multiple Interviews Many of the Fortune 500 companies use a multiple interview process to help select the best applicants. For example, they may have an initial interview with an applicant with an HR manager. Then if the HR manager likes what he sees, they may set up another interview with the applicant and a department manager. By getting the opinion of two different people within the company, this reduces the chances of hiring someone who will not work out in the long run. Flexjobs.com offers a free California List of Best Companies for Flexible Jobs! Based on years of researching companies that hire for telecommuting, part-time, flextime, or freelance jobs, FlexJobs has compiled the best list of 100 of companies located in California that specifically have hired for jobs with at least one of these flexible working options. Flexjobs also includes a Best List of Fortune 500 Companies for Flexible Jobs! FlexJobs has compiled and made public a list of 100 of Fortune 500 companies that specifically have hired for jobs with at least one of these flexible working options. Below you will find the company profiles on employers such as 3M, Citi, and Gannett, as well as each company's telecommuting, part-time, freelance, and flexible job posting history, a staff-written description, and the company's headquarters and website. Benefits and Perks It is 'understood' as a rule that Big companies regularly offer great benefits and perks as an attracting the best and brightest individuals to their companies. The larger firms also as a rule offer higher salaries than the average company, better retirement options, free food, healthcare, and a number of other creative perks. All of this helps separate them from the rest of the pack of employers out there, which does give them an advantage, but if you're one of the 'chosen ones' it can also be 'your advantage'. Obviously each Fortune 500 company has its own strategic system in place for locating and recruiting quality staff, so in order to catch their eye you need to understand there strategy and goals. Chicago, IL--(Marketwired – News Release on June 16, 2013. The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) 2013 Annual Conference, PayScale, Inc. -- the leader in cloud compensation data and software -- released a report showing the impact of human resources certification on annual salaries and career progression. Entitled The Value of PHR and SPHR Certifications: Sugar Coating or Career Sweetener? This new research shows certified HR professionals can earn up to 93% more overall than their colleagues without the credentials. This current study also reviewed the impact of certification in 20 major US metro areas. "In today's ever-changing work environment, many professionals are wondering whether there is real value in pursuing professional certifications," according to Katie Bardaro, lead economist at PayScale. "Our research shows there are tangible benefits for HR professionals to attain PHR and SPHR credentials that will positively impact their compensation and career growth throughout their entire career." Bardaro added, "As with many functions, the business of HR is rapidly evolving. Professionals who continuously enhance their learning and add new skills are likely to maintain an edge in earning power." Below are other highlights from PayScale's Sugar Coating or Career Sweetener? report:
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